Warung Online

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

It Looks Like The Disappearance of the Submissions on the PCEHR ConOps Was Not An Accident.

Here is the current Government page on the PCEHR.

PCEHR Draft Concept of Operations Consultation

Submissions on the Draft Concept of Operations - Relating to the introduction of a PCEHR system have now closed.

All submissions received by the closing date (7 June 2011) will be reviewed and this feedback will inform the final personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) system Concept of Operations document scheduled for release in August 2011.

In the interim, the Draft Concept of Operations - Relating to the introduction of a PCEHR system can still be viewed.

This document provides details on how the personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) system may look, what information it might contain, and how it will function and connect with existing clinical systems.

It also covers participation issues, information management, privacy and security, and matters of implementation, evaluation and consultation.

The content was shaped by the wide range of consultations which the Department of Health and Ageing (the Department) and the National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA) have held with stakeholders — consumer groups, health professionals, the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry and state and territory governments.

The PCEHR consumer booklet, e-health - have your say, describes key elements of the proposed PCEHR system, and the impact it will have on health care in the future.

You can also find out more about the PCEHR Concept of Operations process by reading the fact sheet.

Although the consultation period on the Concept of Operations has closed, it is planned that a PCEHR Legislation Issues Paper will shortly be available for public comment. The PCEHR Legislation Issues Paper identifies the legal issues which flow from the Concept of Operations and explores how these issues might be addressed within a legal framework. Watch the yourHealth website for information about the consultation process for legislation issues.


The page is found here:


No mention of submissions. They were available and now they have vanisthed!

The Google Cache has not been updated in 10 days:

See here:


Looks like a sudden change of mind. I wonder why?

Maybe the public were being nasty or just not compliant enough?

It is all pretty dodgy as far as I am concerned!


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