Warung Online

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

I Think It Is Time For A Little Free For All Feedback and Commentary After 2000 Posts!

I happened to be checking the Dashboard for the blog yesterday - to check if I had failed to process any comments that had been submitted. To my considerable surprise I noticed a milestone had passed and I had missed it!

What I read was :

Australian Health Information Technology

2,007 Posts, last published on Aug 27, 2011

Good heavens that seemed like a lot of posts!

Looking at the statistics since inception we find:

Total Visits to the Blog have numbered 282,516

Total Page View have numbered 483,082

Currently about 300 people receive e-mail notification of posts, about 135 people follow the blog on Twitter and there are 680 or so followers via RSS feeds and the like.

Anyway that is all OK and has happened since the first post on March 05, 2006.

Of course the blog needs to try and look forward and see how it can better serve those who bother the read every once in a while.

Sitting on this side it is really interesting to note that number if comments and reader pageviews seem to spike dramatically when ‘controversial’ posts are put up. Last Monday, for instance, recorded 1097 pageviews with 597 visits - which is about 3 times average!

Fully recognising I am likely to attract some with firm likes and others with equally firm dislikes what I would l like is a sense of what people find useful and what is not useful. Equally I would like get feedback on where coverage is lacking and needs to improve - and of course the reverse.

There is no point doing this in a vacuum and just becoming a ‘prominent e-Health dissenter’! I would much rather be seen as trying to foster rational and open discussion of the ferociously difficult issues that face Australian e-Health and point to some constructive ways forward.

For mine, I would also like to see thoughtful differing perspectives sent along that I can post as ‘guest blogs’ and which can foster an improvement is current understanding of where we are and where we are heading. Any sensible offerings I will be happy to post with no changes.

Anyway over to you. An e-mail address is available here:


Of course all comments are welcome - anon or not!

As a last point I would like to highlight the recent submission made by the Australasian College of Health Informatics to the recent review of the PCEHR ConOps.

The link is here:

ACHI Response to Draft PCEHR Concept of Operations (May 2011, updated June 2011)

The reason I raise this document is to point out that the only serious body of senior Health Informaticians in Australia - with close to 50 members - has a very substantial number of real concerns with the direction the PCEHR Program is heading so while some others may believe I have ‘wandered of the reservation’ there is good evidence that this is simply not true and that actually my views are rather mainstream among those who have some reasonable expertise in the domain.

Anyway, the issue at hand here is to try and get some feedback that can improve the value and utility of the blog to those for whom the future of e-Health in Australia is an important matter!

I look forward to whatever comes.


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