The new finalrelease is available here:
PCEHR System Concept of Operations
Australiamoves a step closer to a national personally controlled electronic healthrecord (PCEHR) system that will help bring Australia’s healthcare into the 21stcentury.
Ministerfor Health and Ageing, Nicola Roxon has released the Concept ofOperations: Relating to the introduction of a personally controlled electronichealth record system (PCEHR Concept of Operations). The documentprovides an overview of the PCEHR system structure and how it will work, thesecurity and privacy principles, the implementation and adoption of the system,and the expected benefits as a result of the PCEHR program for patients, carersand healthcare practitioners.
ThePCEHRConcept of Operations is based on the national framework agreedby the Australian Health Ministers Conference in April 2010. It has beenupdated and adapted, thanks to the support, feedback and submissionsreceived by the Department of Health and Ageing during the public consultationprocess for the draftPCEHR Concept of Operations, in May 2011. The main issues raised during thepublic consultation process are discussed in the FeedbackAnalysis Report.
ThePCEHR Concept of Operations will inform the construction of the PCEHR systemtowards the system launch on 1 July 2012, when all Australians who choose to,can register for a PCEHR.
Overthe coming months a set of targeted and integrated events are proposed as partof the change and adoption program, to continue to understand the dynamics ofadoption in relevant stakeholder communities, test and review proposed changeand adoption initiatives, and engage and support stakeholder communities ingenerating initial adoption momentum.
The link tothe file is found on the panel on the right.
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