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Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

What Impact Will All The Political Ructions Have On E-Health? It Seems There Was Some Real Disagreement and Turmoil in Health.

It seems the present war between PM Gillard and Former PM Rudd is flushing out all sorts of material.
Examples include the following:

Roxon attacks Rudd over health reform

Former health minister Nicola Roxon has launched a scathing attack on Kevin Rudd, accusing him of ignoring cabinet over "very big decisions" on health reform during his three years as prime minister.
Ms Roxon, now attorney general, spent four years in the health portfolio attempting the biggest reforms of the system since the introduction of Medicare.
But in an interview with the ABC World Today program on Thursday she said there were "big components of health reform" which she and Mr Rudd disagreed about.
"I think that there was a point in the [Rudd] prime-ministership where a proper cabinet process was not used," she claimed.
"Some very big decisions were being contemplated, in health in particular, that's of course the closest experience that I had, that often there was an inclination to want to go and announce those things without there being proper cabinet discussion or consideration of the downsides rather than just some of the political or potential upsides."
She added: "Now I've chosen not to go into this sort of detail before and I don't really want to go into it now. But I don't want [Labor MPs making the decision who should lead the party], without having their eyes open about the sort of government we would go back to if Kevin was the leader."
Ms Roxon who will supporting Julia Gillard in the expected leadership ballot next Monday, was asked whether it was true that health reform was Mr Rudd's "abiding passion" as he claimed.
More here:

Roxon warning: Rudd is not the 'messiah'

23rd Feb 2012
NICOLA Roxon has slammed ousted prime minister Kevin Rudd for his leadership style during her time serving as health minister in his cabinet, as the former PM heads toward a showdown to regain the Labor leadership next week.
With a ballot set to take place on Monday morning next week, the now Attorney-General Ms Roxon said Labor MPs needed to get over the idea that Mr Rudd is the "messiah" who could win the next election.
Ms Roxon, who was charged with the task of seeking sweeping health reforms for the Rudd and subsequent Gillard governments – and is a strong supporter of Prime Minister Julia Gillard – says Mr Rudd has many strengths and achievements but his recent conduct has been extremely unhelpful.

"We need to get out of this idea that Kevin is a messiah who will deliver an election back to us. That is just, I think, fanciful," she told ABC TV.

It wouldn't be good for the country to have Mr Rudd as prime minister again, Ms Roxon said.

"He was very difficult to work with. There were a lot of challenges," she said, referring to Mr Rudd's time in the top job and his rolling by Ms Gillard 20 months ago.

"People might say that we were too polite ultimately about the way we did it. We didn't air all our dirty linen. I don't really want to air it now, but the truth is that decision was made for very strongly-held reasons that are just as important now.

"Government has to be able to function properly so we can deliver for the community."
More here:
The PCEHR was announced in the 2010 budget which was released May 11,2010.
PM Rudd was deposed on the 24 June, 2010 so it looks like the PCEHR program was conceived and budgeted for when cabinet government was out the door and according to the then Minister Roxon just was not working. This from the above article seems typical.
"Some very big decisions were being contemplated, in health in particular, that's of course the closest experience that I had, that often there was an inclination to want to go and announce those things without there being proper cabinet discussion or consideration of the downsides rather than just some of the political or potential upsides."
I wonder is the reason we have this rushed, ill-considered mess anything to do with the surrounding chaos we have now become aware of?
A look at this page (expanded) shows how much fantasy was in the original announcements.
It looks to me like there is a real chance the Government processes really were not working when we were gifted the PCEHR and that is why it was so ill considered and under-consulted upon. I wonder how much Cabinet time was spent on it?
Fun to consider!
This link is also fun - where Ms Roxon claims Rudd wanted to rush to a referendum on the Federal Takeover of the Health System.
See here:

For the future - we really need it to be totally different to what has happened in the past in my view! 
It also seems pretty unlikely we will see the outcome of the PCEHR enquiry  on Wednesday. At least 1/2 of the Committee will have other things on their minds for a while.
As for what is now going on in Canberra I think it is awfully serious and I am concerned about all our futures unless what finally emerges is a rational and unified Federal Government  of either stripe. Right now it is a bit hard to see that happening any time soon!

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